In 1866, a new gold discovery and an inconclusive conference force the U.S. Army to build a road and fort in territory ceded by previous treaty to the the disgust of frontier scout Jim Bridger, whose Cheyenne wife led him to see the conflict from both sides. The powder-keg situation needs only a spark to bring war, and violent bigots like Lieut. Rob Dancy are all too likely to provide this. Meanwhile, Bridger's chance of preventing catastrophe is dimmed by equally wrenching personal conflicts. Unusually accurate historically.

Release Date : Feb 05, 1951

Genres :

Production Company : Universal International Pictures

Production Countries : United States of America

Original Language : English

Casts : Van Heflin, Yvonne De Carlo, Alex Nicol, Preston Foster, Jack Oakie, Tom Tully, John War Eagle, Rock Hudson, Susan Cabot, Arthur Space, Russ Conway

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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