At long last, one of the most important novels in Norwegian history will be made into a film. Beatles relates the story of four Oslo boys born in 1951 and hooked on The Beatles, from the time they as seventh graders find themselves on the threshold of the adult world. The film is all about boyish pranks, hopes, disappointments, and of course about pretty girls, hopeless infatuations, drunkenness and parties. The world is changing, and so is the friendship between the boys. But the conclusion is, true friendship endures all - and no band in the world is better than The Beatles.

Release Date : Aug 29, 2014

Genres :

Production Company : Storm Rosenberg

Production Countries : Norway

Original Language : Norsk

Casts : Louis Williams, Håvard Jackwitz, Halvor Tangen Schultz, Ole Nicolai Jørgensen, Susanne Boucher, Marit Andreassen, Øystein Røger, Peter Gantzler, Gard B. Eidsvold, Jonathan Chedeville, Emma Wæge

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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